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Politikwissenschaft: Neue E-Zeitschriften

13. Juni 2006
von CD — abgelegt in: E-Medien — 3.908 Aufrufe

 Critique. A Journal of Socialist Theory.
Critique is an independent, refereed, scholarly journal founded in 1973. It attempts to analyse contemporary society from a critical Marxist perspective.”


European Political Science
European Political Science (EPS) is an international journal devoted to publishing contributions by and for the political science community. Its interpretation of ‘political science’ is wide and encompasses comparative politics, political economy, international relations, public administration, political theory, European studies and related disciplines”

Global Governance
“The most valuable journal published in English for scholars and practitioners interested in international organizations, as well as the issues, politics, and processes of emerging elements of global governance.”

Review of Politics
The Review of Politics publishes primarily philosophical and historical studies of politics, especially those concentrating on political theory and American political thought, but thoughtful scholarly reflections on all aspects of politics.”

Weitere E-Zeitschriften zur Politikwissenschaft finden Sie hier.


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