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Klassische Altertumswissenschaft: Neue E-Zeitschrift

29. August 2006
von CD — abgelegt in: E-Medien — 7.069 Aufrufe

Classical Philology

“Since 1906 Classical Philology has been an internationally respected journal for the study of the life, languages, and thought of classical antiquity. Examining a broad range of issues from a variety of interpretive perspectives, the journal presents papers on Greek and Roman languages and literatures, history, philosophy, religion, art, and society.”

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Wissenschaftsgeschichte: Neue E-Zeitschrift

28. August 2006
von CD — abgelegt in: E-Medien — 4.337 Aufrufe


“Founded in 1936 by George Sarton, and re-launched by the History of Science Society in 1985, this annual thematic journal highlights recent research on significant themes in the history of science. Recent volumes of Osiris include Politics and Science in Wartime, Landscapes of Exposure, Science and the City, and Science and the Civil Society.”

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Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Politikwissenschaft: Neue E-Zeitschrift

17. August 2006
von CD — abgelegt in: E-Medien — 4.635 Aufrufe

The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies 

The quarterly Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, which has been published regularly since 1976, is a peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to scholarly papers which present in depth information on contemporary issues of primarily international interest. The emphasis is on factual information rather than purely theoretical or historical papers, although it welcomes an historical approach to contemporary situations, where this serves to clarify the causal background to present day problems.

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Ethnologie: Neue E-Zeitschrift

17. August 2006
von CD — abgelegt in: E-Medien — 3.655 Aufrufe

The Mankind Quarterly

The Mankind Quarterly was founded as a journal for those scholars who still believed in a unified “science of man” that studied the interactions between biological and cultural diversity. It was first published in Edinburgh (Scotland), but publication was transferred to the United States in 1979, since when it has been published from Washington, D.C. by the Council for Social and Economic Studies.

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Sportwissenschaft: Neue E-Zeitschrift

15. August 2006
von CD — abgelegt in: E-Medien — 3.569 Aufrufe

Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport

Die Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport vermittelt bewegungs- und sportwissenschaftliche, sportmedizinische und sporttherapeutische Informationen im Umfeld präventiver und rehabilitativer Tätigkeitsbereiche. Neben den neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen widmet sie sich auch der Umsetzung dieser Erkenntnisse in die Praxis und berichtet Aktuelles zu gesundheitspolitischen und berufspolitischen Entwicklungen. Sie informiert über Kliniken und Einrichtungen und deren jeweilige Konzepte, über neue Produkte, Geräte und Hilfsmittel sowie über relevante Rechtsfragen.

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Medizin: Neue E-Zeitschrift

15. August 2006
von CD — abgelegt in: E-Medien — 4.746 Aufrufe


Wissenschaftliche Informationen aus der Ergotherapie bietet ab sofort die neue Fachzeitschrift “ergoscience” aus dem Georg Thieme Verlag. Der medizinische Verlag ergänzt damit sein Buchprogramm in der Ergotherapie um ein vierteljährlich erscheinendes Periodikum, das aus der internationalen Forschung und Wissenschaft in der Ergotherapie berichtet.

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Germanistik: Neue E-Zeitschrift

14. August 2006
von CD — abgelegt in: E-Medien — 3.836 Aufrufe

New German Critique

New German Critique has been a prime mover in shaping the discipline of German studies. For thirty years it has sought to define the meanings of ‘cultural studies’ and to draw on the rich tradition of German theory as intrinsic to the shaping of those meanings

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Verwaltungswissenschaft: Neue E-Zeitschrift

7. August 2006
von CD — abgelegt in: E-Medien — 3.479 Aufrufe

Administrative Theory & Praxis

Administrative Theory & Praxis (ATP) is the journal of the Public Administration Theory Network (PAT-Net). The journal is open to many perspectives that contribute to the field, for example political and social theory, philosophy and ethics, theory of institutions and organizations, psychological and phenomenological approaches, international-comparative theory, and critical, feminist, discourse, and postmodern theory.

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Geowissenschaften: Neue E-Zeitschrift

2. August 2006
von CD — abgelegt in: E-Medien — 3.433 Aufrufe

American Journal of Science

The American Journal of Science (AJS), founded in 1818 by Benjamin Silliman, is the oldest scientific journal in the United States that has been published continuously. The Journal is devoted to geology and related sciences and publishes articles from around the world presenting results of major research from all earth sciences. Readers are primarily earth scientists in academia and government institutions.

Weitere E-Zeitschriften zu den Geowissenschaften finden Sie hier 


Psychologie: Neue E-Zeitschrift

12. Juli 2006
von CD — abgelegt in: E-Medien — 4.689 Aufrufe

American Journal of Psychology

The American Journal of Psychology (AJP) was founded in 1887 by G. Stanley Hall and was edited in its early years by Titchener, Boring, and Dallenbach. AJP has published some of the most innovative and formative papers in the history of psychology. AJP explores the basic science of the mind, publishing reports of original research in experimental psychology, theoretical presentations, combined theoretical and experimental analyses, historical commentaries, and
in-depth reviews of significant books.

Weitere E-Zeitschriften zur Psychologie finden Sie hier