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The Arts Society: Let’s Hear it for the Girls! Leading Contemporary Female Artists from Britain who should be Household Names (24.6.)

10. Juni 2024
von Markus Trapp — abgelegt in: Ausstellungen und Veranstaltungen — 320 Aufrufe

Montag, 24.6., 19.30 Uhr, Vortragsraum.

Joy Labinjo We came to a Country that we helped to Rebuild The international art scene has finally woken up to address the historical imbalances which have kept female artists far too long in the shadows. Art historian Linda Nochlin’s seminal 1971 essay, ironically titled “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?“ promised to be a transformative moment in art history, but male artists continued to dominate the narrative. In the wake of the #MeToo movement, museum directors, curators and academics are making up for lost ground. In her lecture “Let’s Hear it for The Girls“, Cindy Polemis looks at some of the leading female artists working today who should be household names.

Entrance free for members of The Arts Society Hamburg. Guests: 15 €, Students 5 €.

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