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Hamburg, Carl von Ossietzky

Öffnungszeiten heute09.00 bis 24.00 Uhr alle Öffnungszeiten Leichte Sprache

Vortrag: Kettle’s Yard in Cambridge: A Masterpiece of Curatorship (6.7.)

22. Juni 2023
von Markus Trapp — abgelegt in: Ausstellungen und Veranstaltungen — 813 Aufrufe

Donnerstag, 6.7., 19.30 Uhr, Vortragsraum.

Sitting Room, Kettle's Yard. © University of Cambridge Kettle’s Yard in Cambridge has been described as “one of the country’s most intimate and spellbinding museums,” the collection of one man and his unerring eye; restorative, homely yet life-changing. This man was H.S. ‘Jim’ Ede, curator, writer, collector and friend to artists. In 1957, he opened his Cambridge home as a living place where works of art could be enjoyed unhampered by the greater austerity of the museum or public art gallery.

His collection included works by Ben and Winifred Nicholson, Christopher Wood and Alfred Wallis which were placed alongside pieces of furniture, ceramics and natural objects. His curated home remains, by and large as he left it, characterised by its unique atmosphere, fascinating juxtapositions and personal connections.

This lecture by Sarah Burles will discuss the life of Jim Ede, his collecting and his vision for “Kettle’s Yard”.

Entrance free for members of The Arts Society Hamburg. Guests: 15 €; Students 5 €.

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