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Hamburg, Carl von Ossietzky

Öffnungszeiten heute09.00 bis 24.00 Uhr alle Öffnungszeiten Leichte Sprache

Movement of People (23./24.9.)

8. September 2016
von Markus Trapp — abgelegt in: Ausstellungen und Veranstaltungen — 1.592 Aufrufe

A Comparative Conference on Migration.

Movement of People

Freitag, 23. September 2016, 9 – 17 Uhr und
Sonnabend, 24. September 2016, 10 – 16.30 Uhr
Ort: Lichthof im Altbau, Eingang Edmund-Siemers-Allee/Ecke Grindelallee, Eintritt frei

Eine Veranstaltung der Juristischen Fakultät der Universität Hamburg. Konferenzsprache: englisch.

The two-day Conference Movement of People – A Comparative Conference on Migration is the first initiative of Hamburg University regarding legal discussions on Migration Law and Refugee Law under European, North-American and Latin American panoramas. The Conference is targeted at lawyers, jurists, researchers, students, political and social scientists who are interested in juridical perspectives of migration and directly or indirectly working in this field. The Conference will be divided into two main panels, in which academics and experts from all around the world will discuss Refugee Law and Migration Law issues, in an interdisciplinary way, increasing the knowledge from those taking part in the event and giving a broader perspective of the so-called migration crisis over the world. The working language of the Conference is English.

All information (registration, organizers and programm): www.jura.uni-hamburg.de/movement-of-people

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