Prof. Dr. Winfried Fluck: Tocqueville’s Legacy: Towards a Cultural History of Recognition (6. 5.)
23. April 2010
von BP — abgelegt in: Ausstellungen und Veranstaltungen — 3.029 Aufrufe
Recognition has become a key concept in current critical theory as well as in American literary and cultural studies. The lecture, held by Prof. Dr. Winfried Fluck (John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin), will draw attention to the contribution a new reading of Alexis de Tocqueville’s seminal study “Democracy in America (1835-40)” can make to this debate. Although Tocqueville himself does not use the term recognition, his perceptive analysis of the new conditions of identity-formation in democratic societies can provide a useful alternative to concepts of identity and recognition that are currently dominating American studies. A particular focus of the lecture will lie on how a Tocquevillian view of recognition can be made productive for work in literary and cultural studies.
Consul General Karen E. Johnson (Consulate General of the United States, Hamburg) will also address the audience. The lecture will be followed by a reception.
It will be held on May the 5th, 4pm, Vortragsraum, 2nd floor. Admission free.