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Hamburg, Carl von Ossietzky

Öffnungszeiten heute09.00 bis 24.00 Uhr alle Öffnungszeiten Leichte Sprache

The Arts Society: Art Deco and the Department Store: Lecture by Tessa Boase (26.9.)

11. September 2024
von Markus Trapp — abgelegt in: Ausstellungen und Veranstaltungen — 623 Aufrufe

Donnerstag, 26.9., 19 Uhr, Vortragsraum.

Tessa Boase, London's Lost Department Stores Bold publicity stunts, statement architecture, suave dining: the 1930s was a supreme era for London’s emporia. Starting on Piccadilly with Joseph Emberton’s Moderne masterpiece, Simpsons, we’ll explore the capital’s department stores through an Art Deco lens – from the flamingos on Derry & Toms’ roof garden, to the soaring escalator hall of D.H. Evans, to the curved glass wall of Peter Jones. How did London’s modernist stores outshine Germany’s Schocken chain? Who were the personalities behind the facades? And how did they woo their customers?

Entrance free for members of The Arts Society Hamburg. Guests: 15 €, Students 5 €.

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